Football Tennis (Jokgu)
Jokgu first originated in the Korean army in 1966 and is very popular in Korea. It can be described as a fusion of volleyball and soccer playing with only your feet and occasionally, head.
The playing area measures 16 meters (53 feet) by 7 meters, and the net stands 1.1-meter high. Each of two teams has four starting players and three relievers. A game consists of three sets of 15 points each. Score is counted under the rally point system, under which one must have a two-point advantage to win a game and there are no caps on the final score. For further information go to this link
The playing area measures 16 meters (53 feet) by 7 meters, and the net stands 1.1-meter high. Each of two teams has four starting players and three relievers. A game consists of three sets of 15 points each. Score is counted under the rally point system, under which one must have a two-point advantage to win a game and there are no caps on the final score. For further information go to this link
For pricing please contact us here for a quote outlining the numbers required.