She said a lot had changed since, however, with the “solid” recruitment of coaches and managers and at least 20 registered children – five of which had converted to club hockey.
“Hockey is alive again! Packaworld goals will develop our goal scoring ninjas so they can rule the school comp and keep hockey alive and shooting at Magill School!” School Sports Officer Rachel Owens was grateful for Cynthia’s “awesome entry”. “Magill School is lucky to have received this prize and have you heading the revival of hockey,” she wrote on Packaworld’s Facebook post. There was initially going to be one winner. However, the Packaworld team was so impressed with the quality of nominations, they decided to give away a second set of goals to another school. Jo Ioane’s nomination won it for Mudgee High School, in which she said that the goals could be used to re-introduce hockey into the sports programme. “Hockey hasn’t been played at school [for] 10 years or so,” she wrote. “The [students] love hockey and want to play at school but equipment is the barrier. “These goals would allow for hockey to be played on the oval and in the gym area, they would be much appreciated.” Penny Smith, Mudgee High School’s Head Teacher of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, said the school was appreciative of the nomination and the goals would be well used. “They are so easy to pump up, was very surprised but in a good way,” she said. “They are sturdy as well which as you know is important when dealing with students. “Our students have been using them inside our recreation centre for games of slide hockey. We have also used them outside for modified hockey games.” Packaworld Chief Executive Peter Roberts said he was impressed with the nominations, most of which showed an “immense desire” for bringing the joy of sports to students. “We were delighted to see how much passion teachers and parents have for youth hockey, and the importance they place on kids having access to sports,” he said. “Congratulations to Magill Primary and Mudgee High. We hope you enjoy your new Packagoals and that hockey will thrive in your schools.” Hockey Packagoals come with a carry bag, air pump, ground anchors, and water bags for anchoring on synthetic turf. schools use the portable and versatile goals for a range of age groups and playing conditions. >> Visit our Hockey Packagoals product page for more information about our inflatable hockey goals. Comments are closed.